Fan Girl Moment, E L James


2015-05-15 23.16.37There are only a handful of times that one person has made an impression on me. This wonderful lady did so last night. I’ve watched the influx of authors and such attack her, but never has she faltered or slunk off in a corner because of it.

Last night I met this beautiful soul. Her encouraging words to me was the icing on the cake for the day.  “Ignore the negative and always focus on the positive,” she said last night, as my editor Lori Perkins and I chatted with her for a few minutes, while fans lined up for their pictures with her.

Yes, some of us authors have MOMENTS in our careers where the jealous fanatics will come out and attack. My attacks were nothing compared to what a few of my successful friends have endured.

It’s time like this, when I talk authors like, EL James and hear her encouraging words, to never give up on your dreams and to receive a giant big hug from her personally, well it was another amazing part of my trip.

Even as this lady was leaving the bar last night, she smiled and nodded at me. Maybe she’ll forget last night since it was so busy, but for his author she gave me the encouragement I needed in my little rough spot in my career. So once more thank you EL James for enduring the fan girl MOMENT from one author, who can only hope to make half the success you have. She will always have a fan here no matter anyone says.

One last note, maybe it’s fitting I met, E L James now, with the Re-birth of my first novel being published just a few weeks ago. The same novel that was attacked so long ago, but “I’ll never give up on my dream, will you?”
